Strategic CFO Package
Ideal for businesses or individuals that have revenue between $3M-$8M and are wondering what direction to go.
You already have a $3M Business, Where do you go from there?
What other opportunities do you have to maximize your profits and margins?
You are thinking of retiring in the next 5 years, what do you do with the business?
How do you get your associate's to "buy-in" to the vision of the business?
Can you open a second location? Is there an opportunity to expand?
What's Included in the
Strategic CFO Package?

Financial Assessment & Profit Maximization

Review of financial reports prepared by your internal accounting team
Evaluation of pricing strategies per product & its COGS

Overall business review with specific strategies and step by step checklists to help grow your business to the next breakpoint

Categorizing expenses to meet compliances

Growth & Efficiencies

People, Product & Process – maximizing success

Best practices for hiring & team member retention

Associate accountability tools & incentive plans or bonus structures

General business consulting

Weekly Zoom Q&A meetings with all monthly clients

Monthly one-on-one meetings with business owners & our leadership team

Access to 12 modules of building financial wealth